Friday, November 27, 2009

Help with spam mail?

Please is there some one out there that can help me with spam mail. I have ccleaner, avg- antivirus and email-scanning,(spam matters,Gov:run.) Spybot, Ad-Aware, And windows fire Wall. so why am l still getting spam. Also when l run my scans l get CRITICAL, MRU, l understand this means most recently used but with all the protection l have WHY???

Help with spam mail?windows xp professional

1. Most of the stuff you mentioned are to clean off spyware and prevent hackers, NOT to deal with spam.

2. Once your email addy is on the spammer's list, you will get spam. I get about 85 pieces of spam PER HOUR for my family's email server. Some ideas:

- buy an add-on product that filters out spam as your computer downloads it. There are lots of these products, and some of the newer antivirus packages have these features.

- Get an email address that has spam filtering - and come to mind. AOL claims that it filters out 2-3 BILLION (with a "B") spams a day, but lots still get thru.

- If you're running your own email server, or have your own domain name, then you've got two more choices. Either contract with an outside spam filtering company ( and McAffee are two such examples), or install a spam filtering appliance (Barracuda, NetCleanse, etc).

My clients get run thru NetCleanse, and that costs them about $1.50 per user per month. They love to pay that.

You can also "roll your own" Open Source spam appliance with Spam Assassin, etc.

Help with spam mail?windows xp home internet explorer

Maybe you shouldn't have those proteciton softwares. Maybe the softwares are leaving the spam to be deleted by the other software and vice versa, so I stays. Maybe.
Sometimes with subscriptions that you get, they send your info to 3rd party companies who then send you tons of crap that fills your spam box. It's a pain to do but they are supposed to have an unsubscribe option at the bottom of the e-mail that you can click on. I used to have 30+ spam a day and now I'm down to 5-10 by unsubscribing from stuff.
I have BETTER protection(all of yours + Spyware Terminator+ AVG Antispyware+Dr.Alex) and I still get spams and critical objects and MRUs! The best you can do to block spam is to have a ridiculous email ID and don't go on handing it over to everyone. As for those security matters, they are bound to happen even if you get all the security software of the world.
Do any of the programs offer email scanning? If you have yahoo, aol,, and other remotly hosted email systems (Or outlook too) you can set your mail preferences to dump spam messages. Just because you have all the protection out there doesn't mean you are immediately protected from Spam. YOU alone have to tell your programs what email is ok and what's not. Its up to you to tell your email administrator what emails are spammed to you, that way they can block those senders as well. Even with spam filters set, sometimes a Spammed message will get through. Internet and email is not perfect there are tons of loop holes and we all work daily to come up with a better fix. Good Luck!
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Spam is not a Virus or Spyware. Spam can have Viruses and Spyware in them. You, usually, have to click on a link or an Attachment in the spam email to get an infection.

As long as you have an email address you will get spam.

You can do a Google or Yahoo search for "How do I stop Spam" and you will find many site with advice to help you reduce getting it.
Get spamcop!
Don't open the spam,just deleat it.

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